maanantai 16. kesäkuuta 2008

Do you think that learn and using the social dynamics knowledge is a manipulation?

Some people have some kind of “moral” problem when they start learning how mind of peoples really work, and how flexible human’s mind could be for changing. They think, they doing something wrong when they behave differently than earlier, or they can be scared they’d become even a sociopath.

Well, relax, I’ll tell you how things really worked among people with power.

The history of utilize social dynamics starts almost immediately after we had learned to speak. People in power started speak how their power came straight from the gods, sun or other paranormal things. In some cases they of course believed this in themselves too.

For example, you can find this from our Christian religion too. Here are two phrases from the bible:

Romans 13:2: For which reason everyone who puts himself against the authority puts himself
against the order of God: and those who are against it will get punishment for themselves.

- Romans 13:6-7: This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God's servants, who give their full time to governing. Give everyone what you owe him: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honour, then honour".

Our brains are extremely flexible. You can do really big changes for your personality only using your will power. I don’t say this is easy or painless, but it is possible.

Many people in power are trained by professional coaches. For example one of the hardest project to voice therapists was earlier British prime minister Margaret Thatcher, who had a tonality like a little girl, when she was induct. Finally therapists succeeded change her tonality sounded like a confident adult woman.

Another example from here Finland was MEP Ville Itälä, who was a chairman of his party (coalition) in short time. Earlier he had a strong west coach dialect, but after he selected a chairman his dialect vanished during two weeks. Yellow newspapers noticed this immediately.

These two examples are only for speech. So, if they were ready to do so much work for speech, how much work they have did for other changes?

Then, if people who are state authorities and make decisions which affect millions or even billions of people are “creations” in other words unnaturals, how your own self-developing process could be immoral?

Sounds incredible, but one of the best ways to make yourself successful in life is learn how to be successful with women. When you are on level where women compete for your company, you will notice how other men respect you and how they are willing to follow you. Women (or their genes) have developed this masterful selection system during millions of years.

So, start your path to success from seduction. Order e-book: “Manual of Seduction” and your eyes will open.

In most cases being successful you do not need to have super high IQ. For example in business life there are many cases where people with impudence, persistence, boldness and of course being an alpha male (or alpha female) have achieved much more than people with only high intelligence.

Like our deceased Finnish President Mr JK Paasikivi, who was president during hard time after World War 2, have said: “You do not need brains to making money”

Finnish Playboy

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