maanantai 25. elokuuta 2008

Have you set your goals in life?

Do you really know what you want for your life? If answer is yes, then I have to congratulate you. But if your answer is “I have never thought the holy thing”, I warmly recommend doing something about it right now. Especially if you are in situation where you feel your life is lack of something important. For example money, inner peace, relationships with other sex etc.

Sounds incredible, but the most important thing to your dreams coming to be real is setting the goal. When you have made clear what you really want exactly, you have started to process toward that thing (or things).

If you are now thinking: “Oh no, this is something new-age-bullshit again” I can tell you that I’m science oriented sceptic number 1. But I have experienced, and I have seen this amazing thing happened to others in so many cases, that I must believe it.

When I started my own self developing process a few years ago with PUA-material, I thought that I only need to read and practise when I have time. Of course reading and practising when you have time, brings much more positive results, than lying on sofa and watching TV or drinking alcohol with other frustrated chumps.

Later on my path with PUA-training, I found books which told more thoughtful about this success thing. After reading couple of them I started to saw people around me who are succeeded exactly that way. Actually I had wondered earlier how so many stupid and lazy people have succeeded in so many areas in their life. Otherwise than me, who was educated, hard working and always serious with things, got only stingy earnings, constant tiredness and life without sex.

Nowadays when I understand more about how success comes, I have completely stopped to be envy how successful other people are.

Instead, I’ll glad to tell to other people how they can be successfully wherever they want to be. Actually real success comes more easily when you bring success to others. This is also called Win-Win situation. Almost the same idea which has found by John Nash (Nobel Prize, Stockholm 1994), who’s personal profile have presented in movie “A Beautiful Mind”.

What about you? Do you want to have this knowledge? I and Franco can teach you personally what you need to do become happy and successful person. We’ll tell you what you need to know, what you need to read and what you need to change about your current life.

We’ll take you to field and start practise first how to approach women, how to escalate and how to close things with them. When you can handle things with opposite sex (ie. you can replicate your genes), then you can start open the path to success (whatever success means to you) step by step.

Actually many things inside your head are very flexible. It’s a pity but most of the people let other people change things inside their heads instead they doing it themselves. For example you can really make choice what kind of mood you have.

Finnish Playboy